Justin Loew - Commissioner - levacommissioner@gmail.com
Raymond Elkin - Treasurer/Registrar - levatreasurer@gmail.com
Matt Schenz - Secretary/Tournament Director - levasecretary@gmail.com
Lake Erie Volleyball Association has been created for the sole purpose of offering a safe environment for the LGBTQ and Straight community to engage in amateur volleyball.The Advisory Board is dedicated to fulfill the interests of the membership. The Advisory Board overwhelmingly expects each member to exude the highest level of conduct, embrace diversity through understanding and inclusion, and demonstrate sensitivity and compassion to serious issues facing the LGBTQ community and our membership.
The Advisory Board reached out to key leaders in the LGBTQ community, LEVA sponsors, and LEVA members to develop a code of conduct and ethical standards for the organization. LEVA celebrates diversity, demonstrates inclusion, and at all times shows respect to each other and our community. Members are required to understand LEVA
code of conduct and ethical standards. Members are encouraged to celebrate and inform the Advisory Board of those members that exemplify these attributes, as well as report those members that violate these standards. All violations will be reviewed by the LEVA Advisory Board for determination and disposition. Please speak to your
Captains, Advisory Board Members and the Commissioner with feedback and